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David Thaxton (Max Von Mayerling) in Sunset Boulevard. Photo by Marc Brenner.

David Thaxton (Max Von Mayerling). Photo by Marc Brenner.

Tell Us In 10: David Thaxton

First Published 23 November 2023, Last Updated 19 August 2024

In our profile series, Tell Us In 10, we ask cast members and creatives of top London shows to tell us all about themselves in just 10 questions. From the best part of their jobs to the hardest, we want to know it all!

This week, we hear from David Thaxton, who’s currently playing Max Von Mayerling in Sunset Boulevard.

Find out more about David and his career so far below:

1. My route into theatre was…

Am Dram. I absolutely loved it. It led to a passion for theatre, as did regular trips to London to see things.

2. My West End idol is…

David Burt for the youngster in me, Anna-Jane Casey right now. She’s a legend.

Anna-Jane Casey as Fraulein Kost in Cabaret.Anna-Jane Casey as Fraulein Kost in Cabaret. Photo by Marc Brenner.

3. My colleagues would describe me as…

Absolutely no idea.

4. My favourite show (that isn’t one I star in/work on) is…

Sweeney Todd.

5. The career moment I’m most proud of is…

Working with Stephen Sondheim on Passion.

Bernadette Peters, Lea Salonga and the Company of Old Friends. Photo by Danny Kaan

6. The hardest part about my job/role is…

You can’t really call anything hard, we’re very lucky to be able to do what we do.

7. If I wasn’t an actor, I would be…

A very different person.

8. Something people don’t know about me is…

Dw i’n wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg tua naw mis nawr.

9. The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…

Have interests and friends beyond the industry…!

10. The one thing I wish I could tell my younger self is…

You don’t need a degree!

You can see David’s work in action in in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s legendary Sunset Boulevard.


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