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Tell Us In 10: Melissa Jacques from Everybody’s Talking About Jamie

Hira Desai

By Hira Desai First Published 14 July 2021, Last Updated 20 July 2021

In our profile series, Tell Us In 10, we ask cast members and creatives of top London shows to tell us all about themselves in just 10 questions.

And because we’ve got some super shows in Kids Week 2021, we’re going to be giving you the chance to learn more about the people behind them in. In today’s interview, we’re talking to Melissa Jacques who plays Margaret New in Everybody’s Talking About Jamie at the Apollo Theatre.

The musical is based on the true story of a teenage boy who despite being bullied, shares his secret with the world and makes his dreams comes true. It’s a real tale of bravery, adversary and fabulousness and it’s the perfect show to see with teens as it’ll not only be relatable but will also inspire them to be confident in who they are and to always fight for your dreams.

In addition to the heartwarming and inspiring messages throughout the show, it’s also packed with tons of moments of hilarity and showstopping songs that will guarantee to have you up on your feet and dancing the night away.

Want to know more? Sit back, relax and find out more about the amazing Melissa Jacques  who plays Jamie New’s mum and is his biggest supporter, cheering him along every step of the way.


1. My role is…

Margaret New in Everybody’s Talking About Jamie

2. My favourite thing about my role is…

Being in such a beautifully diverse and inclusive cast , telling a beautiful and necessary story and also having incredible songs to sing.

Melissa Jacques as Margaret. Photo by Matt CrockettMelissa Jacques as Margaret New. Photo by Matt Crockett

3. My least favourite thing about my role is…

The only thing I can think of is the fact that I get home late and have to get up early to take my daughters to school.

4. The show is perfect for families to enjoy this summer because…

It’s such an amazing story and is so relevant to the world we live in right now and after the year we’ve had we all need ‘A little bit of glitter in the grey’  .

5. I think Kids Week is a great initiative because…

It introduces kids to a theatre experience early in in their lives. My parents started taking me to see musicals from a really young age and I loved them so much. I still LOVE going to the theatre when I get the chance .

The cast of Everybody's Talking About Jamie. Photo by Matt Crockett.The 2020 cast of Everybody’s Talking About Jamie. Photo by Matt Crockett.

6. My earliest memories of theatre are…

Seeing a touring production of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at the Crucible in Sheffield and I was mesmerised by the woman playing the Narrator. I knew at that moment that that was what I wanted to do .

7. I always knew/didn’t know I wanted to work in theatre…

As long as I can remember I have been singing and entertaining my family so it seemed a bit of a no brainier that that was the path I was going to follow.

8. The one thing I wish I could tell my younger self is…

To have belief and confidence in yourself. I wish I could go back to the 19 year old me and tell her to just GO FOR IT!

9. In my spare time I like to…

Spending time with my husband and daughters in our garden. Eating al fresco and drinking wine watching the birds come to the feeder. I’m getting old!! Ha ha

10. If I could have a superpower for a day, I would choose…

Time travel! I would snap my fingers and be at work instead of sitting on a train. But mainly I would go back and remember amazing moments I’ve had during my life and career so far.


If the above has not got you booking tickets already, check out our vlog series with Everybody’s Talking About Jamie where you can get a behind-the-scenes tour, meet the cast and find out what goes on back stage before and during a performance!

Grab your tickets to see Everybody’s Talking About Jamie in Kids Week 2021 below.


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apollo theatre everybody's talking about jamie Melissa Jacques

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