Tell us in 10: Noel Sullivan

By Eleni Cashell First Published 4 September 2019, Last Updated 4 September 2019

In our profile series, Tell Us In 10, we ask cast members and creatives of top London shows to tell us all about themselves in just 10 questions. From how their colleagues would describe them and alternative careers, to their Theatreland idols, we want to know it all!

Answering our questions this week is Noel Sullivan, who’s currently playing the lead role of Dewey Finn in School Of Rock The Musical.

1. My route into theatre was…

The overground at 11 and 41 past the hour to Paddington. Then the Bakerloo to Piccadilly Circus where I change to the Piccadilly line to Covent Garden. I walk from there.

2. My West End idol is…

The illegitimate love child of Mazz Murray and John Owen Jones.

3. My colleagues would describe me as…

Noel from Hear’Say

4. My favourite show present or past (that isn’t one I star in) is…

Any amateur dramatic presentation of Starlight Express.

5. The career moment I’m most proud of is…

My recent portrayal of Tony Watts in the BBC one drama Years and Years. It was very demanding playing a single father who has relations with a robot, on account of the fact I have no experience in either of these areas.

6. The hardest part about my role is…

Being unable to move on my day off because everything hurts. Seriously. This part is ridiculous. You should see it.

7. If I didn’t work in theatre I would be…

At home, staring out of the window, waiting for my agent to phone. Again.

8. Something people don’t know about me is…

I’m a compulsive over-sharer.

9. The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…

Two paracetamol and a pint of water before bed. It’s an old one but a good ‘un.

10. The one thing I wish I could tell my younger self is…

Grow up. It’s better there.

You can see Noel in School Of Rock The Musical by booking tickets right here on Official London Theatre!


And check out these other Tell Us in 10 interviews!

interview noel sullivan school of rock the musical Tell us in 10

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