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Martin Shaw and Jeff Fahey in The Best Man at Playhouse Theatre (Photo: Pamela Raith)

Martin Shaw and Jeff Fahey in The Best Man at Playhouse Theatre (Photo: Pamela Raith)

Watch: Martin Shaw and the cast of The Best Man

Robin Johnson

By Robin Johnson Published 5 March 2018

American politics have never been so under the international microscope. So there’s never been a better time for Gore Vidal’s brilliant play The Best Man, six decades after its Broadway debut, to open at the West End’s Playhouse Theatre.

And as the stars of the show, which includes the likes of The Professionals’ and Inspector George Gently’s Martin Shaw, as well as Maureen Lipman and Jeff Fahey, testified, it’s writing that’s never seemed sharper. Take a look at our video interview below.

Interview: Martin Shaw and The Best Man cast

"It’s an inspired time to do it right now." 👀 We spoke to Martin Shaw and the cast of The Best Man, a political thriller opening in the West End. 🇺🇸More information and tickets at: https://officiallondontheatre.com/show/the-best-man-111407680/

Posted by Official London Theatre on Monday, March 5, 2018

Martin Shaw is William Russell, esteemed ex-Secretary of State and US presidential candidate, with something of a philandering reputation. Jeff Fahey is Joseph Cantwell, an ambitious populist newcomer, opposing Russell for the party nomination.

Running neck and neck, the only thing that might separate the candidates are endorsements from a respected Ex-President (Jack Shepherd) and party big-wig (Maureen Lipman). As the race heats up the campaign gets personal, involving Russell’s estranged wife Alice (Glynis Barber) and Cantwell’s wife Mabel (Honeysuckle Weeks). But where does compromise end and corruption begin? How far will they each go to become the most powerful man in the world? And who in the end will be proven to be “the best man”?

The play mirrors the often surprising results of campaigning, and the all-too-often unscrupulous world of politics.

The Best Man opens at Playhouse Theatre tonight (5 March), and is booking until 12 May 2018.

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glynis barber interview martin shaw maureen lipman simon evans the best man video

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