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Emilio Doorgasingh and Ben Turner in The Kite Runner (Photo: Robert Workman)

Emilio Doorgasingh and Ben Turner in The Kite Runner (Photo: Robert Workman)

The Kite Runner

Published 12 January 2017

We chatted to The Kite Runner team backstage after this week’s opening night at the Wyndham’s Theatre.

The stage adaptation of Khaled Hosseini’s international best-selling novel The Kite Runner, a powerful story of a friendship spanning cultures and continents, has opened at the Wyndham’s Theatre for a limited season.

Having toured the UK to vast acclaim, this stunning production is set in Afghanistan and follows the story of a young boy in the tumultuous times of the Soviet invasion, the exodus of refugees and the subsequent the rise of the Taliban regime.
In a divided country on the verge of war, a beautiful afternoon in Kabul sees the thrill and childlike joy of a kite flying tournament. Little do two childhood friends, Hassan or Amir, know, but they are about to be ripped from their homes and have their friendship torn apart, in a terrible incident which shatters their lives forever.

A poignant and pertinent story centring on the boy’s eventual need to confront his past and find redemption, The Kite Runner has been published in 70 countries, selling 31.5 million copies in 60 languages, and was adapted into an acclaimed 2007 film.

Book your tickets for this limited run today.


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