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Tooting Arts Club’s Sweeney Todd

Tooting Arts Club's Sweeney Todd

Pie shop Sweeney extends reign of terror

Published 24 March 2015

A staging of Sweeney Todd set in a recreated pie shop is making such a killing in its new West End home that the run of the murderous musical has been extended to 30 May.

The Tooting Arts Club production, which moved to London’s Shaftesbury Avenue after its original home, Harrington’s Pie And Mash Shop, closed for refurbishment, was originally due to run until 16 May.

The uniquely staged production sees Stephen Sondheim’s classic tale of a vengeful barber and his pastry-wielding accomplice amid the very scenes of the show’s most stomach turning moments.

Starring as the titular razor-toting dispenser of whiskery victims in the production running at 39-45 Shaftesbury Avenue is Jeremy Secomb. Siobhan McCarthy plays the show’s macabre answer to Mary Berry, Mrs Lovett, who is less fastidious about the contents of her pies.

Audience members with a cast iron, unshakable constitution and an imagination that will not wander into the realms of dark fantasy can also enjoy a pie and mash dinner with their show!

The Tooting Arts Club production of Sweeney Todd, which originally opened at Harrington’s last year, is one of two productions of Sondheim’s masterpiece running in London this spring.

Contrasting in scale at every level, English National Opera also presents a staged concert version of the show starring opera star Bryn Terfel, screen icon Emma Thompson and a host of West End regulars. The ENO production runs at the London Coliseum from 30 March to 12 April.


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