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Declan Bennett and Zrinka Cvitesic in Once at the Phoenix theatre (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

Declan Bennett and Zrinka Cvitesic in Once at the Phoenix theatre (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

Once’s London cast EP

First Published 13 November 2013, Last Updated 14 November 2013

Since the heart-filled tale of an Irish busker and a young Czech woman opened in London earlier this year, Once fans have clamoured to hear the cast’s fabulous voices outside of performances. Now you can.

The tremendous performers, who sing, act, dance and play their own instruments, left their mirrored bar on the Phoenix stage behind and headed to a recording studio to give the fans what they wanted.

The result is this quintet of tracks encapsulating the show’s charged emotional atmosphere. On the EP embedded at the top of the page you can hear the London cast’s version of the Oscar-winning Falling Slowly, North Strand, When Your Mind’s Made Up, Say It To Me Now and Gold.

Once, which opened in London in April following huge success on Broadway, is based on an Oscar-winning film. It tells the story of a busker on the brink of giving up music until he meets a Czech mother whose verve and shared passions spark new life into him.

Recording artist Declan Bennett plays the male lead in the West End, with award-winning Croatian actress Zrinka Cvitešić making her London stage debut as his leading lady. Both sing on these incredible recordings alongside fellow cast members Valda Aviks, Phoebe Fildes, Ryan Fletcher, Aidan Kelly, Gareth O’Connor, Michael O’Connor, Jos Slovick, Flora Spencer-Longhurst, Jez Unwin and Gabriel Vick.

If you’ve not seen Once, these tracks give you a great insight into what to expect from the show. If you have, you can sit back, enjoy them and remember how much you loved it.

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