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Josefina Gabrielle and the cast of Chicago (Photo: Tristram Kenton)

Josefina Gabrielle and the cast of Chicago (Photo: Tristram Kenton)

Chicago announces ongoing West End casting

Robin Johnson

By Robin Johnson First Published 15 October 2018, Last Updated 15 October 2018

Alexandra Burke and Duncan James have extended their runs in the West End production of Chicago due to popular demand, while Josefina Gabrielle will rejoin the cast later this month.

Having both joined the Chicago cast this autumn, Burke and James will continue as Roxie Hart and Billy Flynn (until 10 and 17 November respectively). Gabrielle will resume playing the role of Velma Kelly from 22 October until 5 January 2019, with Laura Tyrer playing her final performance in the role on 20 October.

Both Burke and James will have breaks from the show; Burke will not appear between 15 – 24 October (with Sarah Soetaert covering the role in this time) and Duncan James will not appear between 6 – 12 November.

Sarah Soetaert and Josefina Gabrielle in Chicago (Photo: Tristram Kenton)Sarah Soetaert and Josefina Gabrielle in Chicago (Photo: Tristram Kenton)

Mazz Murray continues to play Mama Morton and Paul Rider continues to play Amos Hart.

Chicago is booking at London’s Phoenix Theatre until Saturday 5 January 2019, where it will be followed by the transfer of Come From Away.

Set in prohibition Chicago, the musical tells the story of two rival performers – and murderesses – locked up in the same County Jail, and satirises corruption within the criminal justice system. Expect sexy, sassy and dangerously seductive songs, dance and events to unfold.


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alexandra burke casting chicago duncan james josefina gabrielle mazz murray paul rider phoenix theatre sarah soetaert

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