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Prince Edward Theatre

Prince Edward Theatre

Shows At This Venue

More Information


Sound Amplification:

Sennheiser Infrared


Please note: the Access Toilets will not be available on the dates between 13-25 August. Mens and Womens on all levels. Adapted toilet on right-hand side of foyer. Patrons requiring the adapted toilets need to go out of the exit on Greek Street and back to the foyer entrance on Old Compton Street. Staff are happy to assist if required.

Guide Dogs Policy:

Guide dogs are allowed in to the auditorium. Alternatively, staff are happy to dog sit.


Entrance to the auditorium through a double EXIT door opening outwards on Greek Street, then up a very short, steep ramp to Box 1, where there are 2 spaces for wheelchair users and 2 companions. Transfer seating is available to row A. Venue is suitable for scooter transfers only. The theatre is able to store a maximum of 2 wheelchairs and one scooter per performance, next to the EXIT door.

Access from Street to Foyer:


Access From Theatre Foyer To Seat:

22 steps to Stalls, 13 to Dress Circle, 42 to front of Grand Circle, 72 to back of Grand Circle

Level Access:

To Box 1


Contact the venue:

0844 482 5151 (Calls cost 7p per min plus your telephone company's network access charge)

Your Visit

Security Information:

Security note: For your comfort and security, you may be subject to additional checks on your visit to London theatres. Please contact the venue for more information.


5 licensed bars. The access attendant can bring drinks to disabled customers. The Mozart Bar is situated in the foyer at street level. Dress Circle Bar (with balcony) is up 27 steps from the foyer. Stalls Bar is down 46 steps. There is a Soft Drinks Bar at Stalls level (down 24 steps) and a further bar at Grand Circle level.

Air Conditioned:


Accepts Theatre Tokens:



The Prince Edward Theatre is one of London’s finest Art Deco theatres. Situated on Old Compton Street in Soho, just behind Leicester Square. Built in 1929 by Griggs and Son and designed by Edward Stone the theatre opened in April 1930 with a production of Rio Rita, a musical comedy by Harry Tierney.

In 1935, Edward Stone converted the theatre to a dance and cabaret hall, being renamed the London Casino. As the London Casino, it was badly damaged in London’s worst air raid of WWII in May 1941. All neighbouring buildings across Greek Street were destroyed.

After serious restoration the theatre was renamed the Queensberry All Services Club, a club for servicemen where shows were broadcast on the BBC. Then in 1954 it had another change of fortunes, being converted into a Cinerama. Then, in 1974 it finally reopened as the Prince Edward Theatre we know today with Andrew Lloyd Webber’s production of Evita.

Since then, this spectacular 1,716 seat theatre has housed smash-hits like Anything Goes, Some Like It Hot, West Side Story, Mamma Mia!, Mary Poppins, Jersey Boys, Miss Saigon and now Disney’s Aladdin.