First Performance 28/06/2007
Closing 29/06/2007
Running Time 1h45

Created in the wake of a brutal police massacre in the early 1990s, AfroReggae turn their socially conscious songs into blistering live performances. In the midst of lawlessness, they use the languages of rap and hip-hop to expose the violence that threatens to crush their community. Their musical militancy is a forceful alternative to the gunfire. In performance as in their everyday actions, they create alternatives for anyone who wants to imagine a society built on justice, respect and security.

For two performances only, AfroReggae brings to the Barbican stage a base-line experience of Brazilian culture: the beat of the favela, the shanty-town sound. Their multi-style performance is a skillful combination of the most vital movements in Brazilian culture, from Tropicalismo to mangue beat, from Paulista rap to samba-reggae, from capoeira to carioca funk.

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