Leopoldstadt is #BackOnStage

Published 9 August 2021

On Saturday evening Tom had the great fortune to join a full-capacity audience at the Wyndham’s Theatre and welcome Tom Stoppard’s period masterpiece Leopoldstadt #BackOnStage.

The intricate and ultimately heart-wrenching piece, which follows a Jewish family in Vienna during the first half of the 20th century and boasts an enormous cast of over 40 actors, had officially opened to rave reviews in February 2020 only to shut a month later due to the pandemic. Fast forward to the 2020 Olivier Awards and Tom Stoppard’s drama was deservedly crowned “Best New Play.”

Thrillingly, producer Sonia Friedman, who was also spotted in the audience on Saturday evening, has ensured Leopoldstadt’s return for a limited 12-week engagement through to 30 October 2021. Tom Stoppard, simply one of our greatest living playwrights, has publicly commented that this may well be his final play, making this West End run a must-see for all dedicated theatre fans.

Leaving the theatre, Tom’s final thoughts were: “what a masterpiece of dialogue and the end was so emotional.”

Check out the following video for Tom’s #BackOnStage experience and grab your tickets using the button below!

leopoldstadt wyndham's theatre

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