Emma Rice

Watch: Emma Rice on Brief Encounter

By Robin Johnson Published 22 February 2018

Prepare for your heart to go aflutter: one of the most tender, haunting, wholesome love stories ever bursts – quite literally – from the cinema screen this year, as Emma Rice spoke to us about Brief Encounter‘s return to the West End.

Based on the classic Noël Coward film, Rice and Kneehigh’s unique adaptation  has played to critical acclaim around the world, seamlessly blending film, stage play and musical elements.

Get a sneak peek of the gorgeous show, with insight from Rice and her lead cast members, in the clip below:

Brief Encounter is based on a chance meeting in a railway station café, where two people were brought together by one ‘getting a little piece of grit in my eye’, culminating in a haunting and heart-breaking love story.

Combining the romance of cinema with all that live theatre can offer, Brief Encounter is a story of magic, passion, surprise, suggestion and naughtiness. Radical and romantic, nostalgic but relevant – let passions ignite!

The Brief Encounter cast features Jim Sturgeon, who returns to the role of Alec, along with Isabel Pollen as Laura, Lucy Thackeray as Myrtle, Beverly Rudd as Beryl, Jos Slovick as Stanley and Dean Nolan as Fred/Albert, as well as Katrina Kleve and Peter Dukes.

Book your Brief Encounter tickets today!

brief encounter emma rice interview isabel pollen jim sturgeon

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