The Matildas discuss their plans if they were Prime Minister

If the Matildas were PM…

First Published 6 May 2015, Last Updated 6 May 2015

Matilda The Musical’s pint-sized stars named joint Prime Minister.

It’s an unlikely – and wordy –headline to wake up to on Friday morning, we grant you, but what if, by virtue of the fact that they can successfully eat bacon sandwiches or not come across as smug the entire time, they were elected by the people?

How different life would be. Enforced scooting, a new, cheery national anthem and, our personal favourite, a cake day, would be just some of the changes felt across the land.

Pay attention Cameron, Miliband et al, that, right there, is how you win votes. CAKE DAY!

Surprisingly, and tellingly, there are even a couple of more mature suggestions in there from the kids who sing about growing up each evening at the West End’s Cambridge Theatre. And nothing too naughty.

Running the country might be a step further than the Matildas are used to, but, in the hit Olivier Award-winning show, they regularly stand up to oppressive forces in the shape of the Trunchbull and the Wormwoods, prove the importance of education and libraries, and find imaginative responses to life’s unfortunate situations. All remarkably suitable talents for a Prime Minister.

And they sing Tim Minchin’s remarkable score while performing Peter Darling’s stunning dance routines. I’d like to see Boris Johnson doing that, but until that video surfaces, check out what the Matildas had to say at the top of the page.

If the Matildas’ manifesto have convinced you to give them your vote, you can book tickets through us here.

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