Set in Paris in the 1980s, a frail old American lady, dazed by prescription medication, is a prisoner in a grey, imposing mansion on the Bois de Boulogne. She was once the most famous woman in the world. Her name is Wallis, Duchess of Windsor. Her crime was to be a divorced woman who fell in love with a member of the British Royal family – the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VIII – precipitating his abdication from the throne to marry for love: the greatest crisis ever to befall the House of Windsor and a grave threat to the British constitution itself.

Ten years after the death of the former King, Wallis inhabits a twilight world where her beloved ‘David’ has never really left her. As she refuses to relinquish the vivid memories of her extraordinary past, we soon discover why the incarceration of this vibrant and stylish woman is so vital to those whose lives she changed so dramatically. Her past is too full, the damage to her husband’s family too great, her ostracisation too complete for her to be anything other than a dangerously loose cannon…

Farugia’s new play stars Nichola McAuliffe as Wallis. Last seen at the Finborough in Plague Over England, McAuliffe is a Laurence Olivier Award-winning actress whose many West End credits include The Mikado, The Night Of The Iguana, The Real Inspector Hound, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Kiss Me Kate. On television she led the cast of comedy drama Surgical Spirit.