This is a story of the horrors of moving back in with your mum in your 30s, of finally appreciating the best piece of advice your grandmother ever gave you and of extraordinary family secrets held across the generations.

Elsie is born in a Yorkshire pit village in 1936 and will never know another way of life. Gilly is the first woman in her family to go to university, enjoying every ounce of freedom the 70s has to offer. Frankie learns everything she can about sex from Judy Blume; in 1989, who didn’t?

After meeting women in London, Brighton and Leeds, and collecting hundreds of personal stories from all around the country in a new online archive, Broken Leg Theatre have distilled the contents of an astonishing research project into a new play, Three Generations Of Women.

Following the script reading here last year, and a period of redevelopment, the company have now secured Arts Council England support to tour the production in 2016, in co-production with us at Greenwich Theatre.