The relationships between an agent and his multitudinous clients are explored in this play, The Two Faces Of Agent Lacey, demonstrating the contrast between the personal and professional aspects of the job.

Theatrical agent Stephen Lacey has many clients; some struggling with disillusionment in their acting careers, others with work anxiety, and more with personal economic insecurity. With the ever increasing presence of social media forcing a different approach to business, Lacey and his actors navigate their way into the twenty-first century in an attempt to utilise what twitter and its ugly sisters have to offer. 

Agent Lacey is forced to address his own corrosive part in his clients troubles when an ex girlfriend shows up keen to stage the story of their past. But by turning her past into a stage play, how much does she blur the lines of fiction and reality? Is all memory just subjective?

Her visit dictates that Lacey face some uncomfortable truths.

Please note this production is recommended for ages 16+.