A group of complete strangers have 60 minutes to agree how to spend a pot of real cash. If the players run out of time, then the money will roll over to the next show. The best part? If you don’t agree with them, you can join in!

As UK theatre opens back up here is the show that brings people into the same room and asks ‘What can we do together that we cannot do apart?’

Audience members can book to be either Players or Silent Witnesses. The Players have 60 minutes to decide what to do with a pile of cash. If they agree, they can take the money. If they run out of time, then the money will roll over to the next show. The Silent Witnesses look on but can chose to join in, right up until the last second.

Kaleider, one of the world’s leading companies in extraordinary live arts, presents The Money®. The show can lead to some incredible acts of kindness, some moments of madness and and always a fascinating conversation about the value of money and what is important.

Come and choose to make a difference. Time’s ticking…