St John Hankin’s feminist satire of conventional morality The Last Of The De Mullins receives its first professional staging in the capital for more than a century at the Jermyn Street Theatre.

It is 1908, society is changing and the De Mullin family is being left behind. Eight years ago, the eldest De Mullin daughter – the headstrong, free-spirited and unwed Janet – became pregnant, but instead of revealing the identity of the child’s father to her family, she escapes out of her bedroom window and flees to London.

Now a successful businesswoman, she is back and refuses to be ashamed for either herself or her child. But there is a price to be paid for Janet’s continued independence: the disgrace of her family and the end of the De Mullin line.

Directed by Joshua Stamp-Simon, the cast comprises Nick Blakeley, Alexandra Dowling, Benjamin Fisher, Rufus King-Dabbs, Stuart Organ, Jenk Oz, Charlotte Powell, Roberta Taylor, Harriet Thorpe, Matilda Thorpe and Maya Wasowicz.