The American Capitalism Project sees New York City-based theatre company The TEAM (Theater of the Emerging American Moment) using the lens of cowboys, the myths and history of the American Frontier and the busting of Las Vegas, to try to define the character and shape of American capitalism.

The American Capitalism Project journeys across the USA in search of an unbiased portrait of American Capitalism told through cowboy ballet, wailing pianos and people with bank accounts. Las Vegas needs saving. A woman working in a casino says she is Joan of Arc, two outlaws are on the run and there is murder in the wind. Where did our pursuit of happiness go wrong?

To produce The American Capitalism Project, The TEAM is collaborating with choreographer Will Tuckett.

This work-in-progress production of The American Capitalism Project plays as part of the Almeida theatre’s 2009 Summer Festival, which also includes Last Seen, Or Nearest Offer, The Golden Hour and the Tiata Fahodzi Festival Concert.