Stewart Lee has named his best ten stand-ups working today – and is curating a season to showcase them all. Stewart will host five nights at the Bloomsbury Theatre, presenting 2 stand ups each night.

April 25th: Mystery star and Simon Munnery

May 2nd: Harry Hill, Boothby Graffoe

May 9th: Kevin McAleer, Will Adamasdale

May 16th: John Hegley, Stephen Carlin

May 23rd: Greg Fleet, Josie Long

Lee said: 'I have arrived at my own definitive list of the best ten stand-ups of all time, based on my insider knowledge and a secret ballot of myself conducted by me. Over half the acts finally selected weren't even in the stupid Channel 4 shortlist. Some of the acts in the season are so brilliant their genius has prevented them from becoming household names. Oneis so famous he or she cannot even be named, like some kind of Old Testament deity, or government assassin.'