Sometimes what you see is not what you get…

Transmogrifying humans; old ladies with animalistic tendencies, feral lovers, protective mothers, Loogaroos with sly eyes – Shifter is a night of transformations.

With unsurpassed style & alarming charisma, The Unorthodox Unprecedented Preacher TUUP, and the mistress of Afro-Caribbean storytelling Jan Blake, pick their way through an untamed landscape in the company of those who can become other – in mind, in body, and in spirit.

Powerful and bold, Jan Blake is the Queen of Afro-Caribbean Storytelling. An outstanding storyteller, she performs in theatres and festivals the length and breadth of Europe. 

Born to Guyanese parents and raised in Acton, West London, Godfrey Duncan – TUUP (The Unorthodox, Unprecedented Preacher) – has been a professional storyteller since 1981.

Recommended for ages 14+.