The story is set in seedy cabaret club on the planet Frottage III – presided over by the alluring and charismatic Saucy Jack himself. However all is not well at Saucy Jack’s: danger lurks in every corner as the cabaret acts are being picked off one by one by a relentless serial killer.

As the show begins, Vulva Savannah, promising entertainer and torch-song singer has just become the latest victim of the Slingback Killer – the heel of a murderous shoe plunged into her youthful chest! Against this backdrop of gloom and fear, we meet the characters of the bar: down-trodden waitress Booby Shevalle, talented house saxophonist Sammy Sax, cheesy barman Mitch Maypole, weirdo bar-fly Dr. von Whackoff and pan-galactic plastic smuggler Chesty Prospects. Dreams are shared, secrets revealed and the evil shadow of the Slingback Killer draws ever near.

All is not lost as the Space Vixens arrive to solve the mystery – interstellar, super-fashion crime fighters here to save the day by the Power of Disco! They hit the ground singing with the explosive house anthem, Glitter Boots Saved My Life. Love interests develop, closets get opened, girl gets girl and the audience gets to join in as the show builds to its extraordinary musical climax.

Pre Show Cabaret: 7:30pm
Show: 8pm

Fridays & Saturdays: Disco till late

Midnight Matinee Times
Pre Show Cabaret: 11pm
Show: 11:30pm


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