Danish dance legend Peter Schaufuss presents The Nutcracker as part of an innovative trilogy of Tchaikovsky’s work, which sees Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty and The Nutcracker performed together for the very first time in London.

Schaufuss who has danced each of Tchaikovsky’s great works, brings together three of his best loved – Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty and the Nutcracker – in a trilogy that not only emphasises Tchaikovsky’s genius but reflects the great composer’s battle with his ambivalent sexuality.

Based on Hoffmann’s fairy story, The Nutcracker premiered in 1892 and has since become a perennial Christmas favourite. But just as with Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty, beneath the fairy tale veneer lies a very real and very human journey from pain and cruelty to joyful redemption.

On Saturday 28 July the entire trilogy will be presented in a rare theatrical event with specially priced tickets available.

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