The intimate, candlelit setting of the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse plays host to one of Shakespeare’s latest and greatest plays, Pericles, a fantastical fairytale and the first of his late romances.

Forced to flee his own kingdom, Pericles, Prince of Tyre, travels the world, but is eventually grounded by a shipwreck. Thence, he meets and wins Princess Thaisa for his wife – but she too is cruelly snatched away in the heart of a storm during childbirth.

Taking comfort in his baby daughter Marina, his fortunes twist and turn as reports arise of Thaisa’s angelic apparition.

Through imaginative fairytale concoction, tremendous set pieces and an immersive atmosphere imbued with music, miracle and the presence of the sea, James Garnon as Pericles leads the audience on a romping adventure.