In this extraordinary reinvention of the Greek myth by acclaimed playwright Timberlake Wertenbaker, The Unicorn Theatre hosts a modern, rich and poignant new work about a son seeking out his father – while his father, trapped and wallowing, seeks out his own essence.

Telemachus’ father left for the Trojan War long ago, so long ago that he can barely even recall him. Now with his house invaded by the belligerent suitors that lounge around the court leaching off their hospitality, Telemachus must defend his father’s legacy and protect his mother.

Meanwhile, far away, the great Odysseus remains trapped by the goddess Kalypso after ten long years, and yearns to return home, lost in memories of former glories.

My Father, Odysseus is a powerful show that explores masculinity and the effects of war.

Please note that this show is recommended for theatre-goers aged 11+.