The Jette Parker Young Artists Summer Performance offers an opportunity to spot future stars in a rich and enjoyable showcase of musical and dramatic styles. Singers, conductors, stage director and répétiteur join to present a great afternoon of opera which this year takes its inspiration from the history, glamour and mystery of Venice. With a reputation for beauty and tragedy, high spirits and despair, it is no surprise that this extraordinary city has become an operatic setting par excellence.

This year’s matinee includes musical extracts from comic to tragic. The first part features scenes from Rossini’s lesser-known works Signor Bruschino and Bianca e Falliero as well as the Act 1 conclusion of Otello. In the second half, sinister, romantic and lugubrious evocations of this most atmospheric of cities come from Donizetti, Offenbach and Britten.

Sung in English, Italian and French with English Surtitles.

Learn more about London operas within the West End.