A dark tale on the destruction of the rural landscape and the disenfranchised minimum wage, I Am Montana is a perilous examination of violence and fanaticism.

Home in Montana after a traumatic stint in the Israeli army, Eben embarks on a cross-country road trip to give a presentaion at the national headquarters of his mega-store employer, Valumart. Travelling in an El Camino, he is trapped between his concerned best friend Tommy and the admirations of a meth addicted co-worker. But as secrets are revealed and painful memories exposed, Tommy realises that Eben’s plans for the convention go far beyond s simple presentation on the future of retail.

A political play that is fiercely apolitical, I Am Montana touches on socio-political ideas about drug use, rampant corporatism and the Palestine-Israeli conflict without taking sides or pretending to find answers. Set in a soulless landscape of megastores and cheap motels the story’s realism is complemented by surreal trips into dreams and fantasies.