Hurricane charts the tumultuous life of Alex Higgins which saw his spectacular rise to fame after leaving school at 15, winning the all-Ireland snooker championship at the age of 17 and becoming the youngest-ever winner of the World Championship aged only 23. There were plenty more ups in the decades the followed, but it is for the spectacular downs that Alex Higgins became notorious.

Originally produced in Belfast and first premiered at the 2003 Edinburgh Festival, Hurricane is by the award-winning Richard Dormer, who also plays the part of Higgins.

Calling all would-be hustlers… are you man (or woman) enough to take on and wipe the floor with former world champion Alex ‘Hurricane’ Higgins?

Alex – whose return to form has been celebrated by beating arch rival Jimmy “The Whirlwind” White in a succession of sold-out exhibition matches acrosss the country – is throwing down “The Higgins Challenge”. Members of the public are to get the chance to play a frame with him on stage at the Arts Theatre, in London’s West End, where Hurricane, the award-winning drama based on his turbulent life is getting a standing ovation every night.

“The Higgins Challenge” promises to be an unmissable night of pool action following an unmissable one-man show about Alex’s rise and fall and rise again. The Higgins Challenge will take place after the performance of Hurricane on Friday 16 April, Friday 23 and Saturday 24 April, 9pm.

For more information call the box office directly on 020 7836 3334.