The Goddess Aphrodite is furious. Prince Hippolytus refuses to worship her, so she takes her revenge on the Prince, employing the secret lust of his stepmother Phaedra.

Temple Theatre presents a scorching, fresh interpretation of Euripides’s horrifying tale of a family torn apart. Live music, choreography and rhythmic writing combine in Hippolytus to bring this Greek tragedy to exhilarating life.

Hippolytus unites an internationally acclaimed writer with one of this country’s most exciting new companies.

Timberlake Wertenbaker, who translates Hippolytus, is an internationally acclaimed playwright. Awards for her plays include the Laurence Olivier Award and the New York Critics’ Circle Award for Our Country’s Good, and the London Critics’ Circle Award and the Writers’ Guild Award for Alighting On A Field.

Temple Theatre are the winners of the Best Production Award at the Bilbao Act Festival and the Audience Prize at the Berlin 100 International Theatre Festival.