Join us as we transform our Adventure Theatre into a wintry world of imagination with magic carpet rides, journeys to the northern lights and a twinkly, snowy garden in a show made especially for ages 2-5.

Mia loves her Grandad very much. He lives far away, on the other side of the world, but finally, he’s coming to visit and Mia’s excitement is growing. When Grandad arrives he brings with him adventurous stories and games which set Mia’s imagination alight – together they explore the whole world without ever leaving her playroom.

Join Grandad, Mia (and Teddy Too) as they share an unforgettable adventure to wherever their imaginations take them. A heart-warming show that celebrates the special place grandparents have in young children’s lives.

Bring your own teddy or toy when you see the show. Share your pictures with us #BYOBear and our favourite wins a special prize!