King Nibble IV wants a feast. But all the food in his Kingdom tastes and looks the same. He longs for the delectable delights cooked in the days of his great-grandfather, King Nibble the Great. In those days feasts were grand affairs where the royal kitchen would create grub that satisfied every sense. Sailing ships carried fragrant spices across oceans. Fruit and vegetables of all shapes and sizes were picked in every colour of the rainbow. And if the guests still had room in their bellies they could enjoy sweet, heavenly cakes. Now everything tastes like boiled cabbage and King Nibble IV wonders if he’ll ever enjoy a feast fit for a king!

Monster productions have been creating productions especially for young children, their families, schools, nurseries and playgroups for over 15 years, and have toured extensively throughout England and Ireland.

A play for children aged 6 and under and their families.