Layering elements of song, movement and live BSL interpretation into the narrative, this transformational and witty show connects experiences from different cultures and communities into a collective whole.

Created by Diverse City’s co-Artistic Director Claire Hodgson who wants to encourage more openness around the subject of menopause, Mid Life does so with generous empathy and keen observation.

Three women paused at a moment in time – the menopause – talk about their fears, confront losses and invite acceptance as they unpack their real-life stories with soaring humour, honesty and rage.

Claire used to be a disco-dancing champion, now she juggles family and work. Jacqui’s a carer to many but there’s stuff she needs to get off her chest. Karen lives alone by the sea. She’s a survivor and she’s got something to say.

Join our emotional-load-bearers, up-all-nighters and piece-picker-uppers as they find their way through the frustration, freedom and possibility of those middle years.

All performances are BSL integrated and audio described and Chilled (Chilled is similar to relaxed re: the relaxed environment in the auditorium, but no sensory adjustments to the shows)