One man and one man alone has been chosen to rescue Hell from great tyranny. His name? Chaverston Robert Scumthorpe Jnr. Petty criminal. Pit-bull breeder. And, how can we put this …chav!

Now Robert must journey to the heights of Heaven, meet with the Almighty, conquer his own (and many other people’s) demons and save the afterlife before time runs out. Our future is in his hands. God help us all…

When Chaverston Robert Scumthorpe Jnr wakes up dead, he can’t imagine his day getting any worse. He’s left everything behind him; his girlfriend Kathy, his dreams of finishing Grand Theft Auto 3 and any chance of living a good and decent life. That is, until Robert discovers he’s in Hell.

After re-uniting with his careerist father, Robert is unwittingly enlisted as a suicide bomber and sent off to free the citizens of Hades by blowing up their greatest oppressor, God. His journey takes him through Purgatory, where Robert befriends Lou, a burnt out hippy with a penchant for card games, before confronting him with the Lord Almighty Himself who, as it happens, is his recently deceased girlfriend Kathy…

With fresh insight into the workings of the Universe (and a LCD ticker still strapped around his middle counting down to detonation), Robert must face up to his feelings on love, his scheming father, the Dark Prince of Evil and – most worryingly of all – the rest of his Afterlife.