Charlotte’s Web is the much loved E.B White story of the extraordinary friendship between a spring pig called Wilbur and Charlotte, a self sacrificing spider. In this production the story is told with life size puppetry, music and dance.

Set on an American farm during the 1950s, Charlotte’s Web tells the tale of a cute faced runt who is rescued
from death and loved to distraction by a little girl named Fern. Eventually Wilbur grows too big for the dolly pram and is sent to live in a hutch under the apple tree. As he begins his new life in the barn cellar he has some great adventures with the fellow animals, but his happiness is shattered when he learns that he could be made into sausages!

But don’t worry, his friend Charlotte is hatching a plan. Join the Rose Theatre on the farm and find out how Wilbur is saved by this quite remarkable spider!