The first play to be set entirely in an AA meeting, Blackout achieved huge success in New York before it was adapted into the film Drunks (1997), starring Faye Dunaway, Richard Lewis, Dianne West, Spalding Gray and Howard Rollins, Jnr.

A diverse group gathers for their Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting on Christmas Eve. They crave strength, integrity and friendship as they struggle to make sense of their lives after years of drink, drugs and excess. One by one they recount their stories to each other and a unique blend of drama and humour unfolds.

The International Actors Lab have adapted Blackout to a London setting using an array of different regional and cultural characters. Blackout was written by New Yorker Gary Lennon in 1991 and was first performed by 2nd Generation Theatre Company at the Harold Clurman Theatre, New York.

The International Actors Lab was founded by David Bennett, a former protégé of Lee Strasberg, creator of the famous ‘method acting’ technique. David studied at the New York Actors Centre during its heyday with fellow students James Dean, Paul Newman and Marlon Brando. David moved to the UK later in life and set up his own private acting studio and later created the International Actors Lab (IAL). IAL is the only UK based Theatre company where all its members are trained in ‘method acting’. They aim to bring ‘the reality of truth into performance’ to all their productions using this method. Sadly David passed away earlier this year, but his teachings and theatre company live on its members, lead by Brian Timoney and Gary Lawrence.