Psychological thriller Black Chiffon follows the familial fallout when a wealthy, 20th century woman shoplifted in a moment of madness.

“Do you know Doctor… I’ve brought this awful trouble on my family… I’m deeply ashamed… But I still can’t think of that moment without an appalling desire to laugh…”

Mrs Alicia Christie maintains a beautiful home, with a clever husband and devoted children. This surely makes her an upstanding society woman…

What would you do to protect your family? Would you lie? Would you pretend to be a completely different person to the one everyone knows? Would you forsake all your beliefs? Would you go to jail? One woman. One crime. One decision.

Black Chiffon is written by Lesley Storm. The play premiered in May 1949, debuting on Broadway the following year. It was subsequently adapted into numerous television programmes. Now, it is revived at the Park Theatre to convey its powerful psychological message about a woman driven to the edge by a demanding and divided family.