It is a staggering 13 years since the Circus of Horrors first trampled the bloody boards and it has since toured relentlessly around the world achieving cult status and generally dragging Circus screaming and shouting into the 21st century and beyond. ‘The Asylum’ threatens to stimulate all the senses packed with new acts & new shocks that is set to surpass everything that has come before it. The show still contains the crowd favourties but they are now entrapped in a Macarbe Mad House until they escape and run amuck into Parisian night life. All intermingled & entwined with oddities, fakirs and death defying Circus Acts. Presided over by The Undead Ringmaster Doktor Haze who takes you through this hellish tale with the help pf the live devil driven rock n’ roll of the The Interceptors From Hell and a huge uncontrollable cast of Burlesque Beauties, chaos-mongers and some of the worlds greatest, grotesque, most daring & bizarre Circus acts all Re-Born, Re-vamped & Rockin.